2012年7月24日 星期二

【電影】America History X

This film doesn't inspire me but remind me a lot.
It's quite a serious movie.
Why I wrote like this?

It's all about this "Vengeance brought about by hate...and fear." I can't agree with this more. When it points it head in our direction, we take notice and everything chances. The way we choose our friends, the way we protect our families, the way we create enemies out of strangers.

This film not only tells us about the race problems, although the director handle it with lots of confidence. So more in direct, for me is more better. It has more deeply meaningful for me.

Without fear, there will be no hate.
Without hate, there will be no vengeance.
Hate is little value.

Yes! I totally agree with it.

But maybe I had a big "disaster" before.
Now I know and can recognize what kind of things are important and some inmost thinking.
Is it a disaster? No.
I always think that I am the lucky one, at least than Edward Norton.
Because I gain something not too late.(Even there's never too late)

But also I think if it were true, this world could be more boring.
Everyone don't have to protect themselves, because the world is peace all the time.

Now something worst growing in my mind.
I can't write anymore.
I should stop and think about this.

So am I support Nazism?
I think I am not totally agree this, but it's also like circulating water.
Without it, a plain life.

By IreneNi @ Dublin





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