有專家提供了Top 10在愛爾蘭渡過情人節指南,
Everybody can buy a box of chocolates, a few roses, a card and thus create that instant Valentine's Day feeling. Throw in a dinner for two and you're set. But is this really what she (or he) wants?
Let's check on that! Top 10 Valentine's Day Activities here! Someone provides a guide if you are in Ireland.
(2012,09 photo in Killkenny)
1)參觀St. Valentine教士的家。
如果你對情人節的由來有些了解,或許你對他就不會陌生了。建造於愛爾蘭19世紀的教堂是他的家,坐落於都柏林的Whitefriar Street上。但你真的認為這裡真的是一個好地方慶祝情人節嗎?我不能保證。
1)Visit the Man Himself in Dublin - Saint Valentine.
If you had known the history of Valentine's Day, you might be knew about him. A church in Dublin Whitefriar Street (Aungier Street), built in the 19th century, in the end became his home. So what do you think the better place to celebrate Valentine's Day? I can't guarantee for success about this one.
(2012,09 photo in Killkenny)
2)Get Medieval in an Irish Castle
Medieval banquets are available, you are treated as guests at a medieval court and food as well as entertainment is provided. After offer your lady a ring or other token of love to her, I suggest you should assured in advance that you won't to be challenged to a quick joust to win her favor.
(2012,10 photo in Iceland)
3)Hire a Jaunting Car for a Special Day in Killarney.
This is gonna cost you and takes some preparation. Travel to Killarney and talk to a few jarveys, the men hanging around town with their horse-drawn carts. Ready for having a picnic in a countryside? Let me tell you, you can bring your lady to discover "the nature". Here provides the changeable Irish weather for free!! What a wonderful way to save a little bit money! I think it should be a perfect experience.
(2012,07 photo in Belfast)
4)Walk into Dublin Bay and make like Leonardo and Kate in "Titanic".
Everybody knows the scene at the prow of the Titanic , the iconic view of Leo showing Kate to fly. Though the doomed ship was built and last seen in Ireland(Belfast and Cobh). But that's too far for your lady, and if you go to Belfast, you have to change your money as well. That's not convenient.
Your target is Poolbeg lighthouse, you can walk or take the Dublin Bus No.1 with her, enjoy the windy as well. Remember to bring a fitting snack and take along a CD player with Celine Dion is absolutely within. If your lady doesn't mind imitating the scene at the prow of the Titanic and to fly. That's what a lovely couple.
(2012,07 photo in Bray)
5)就在Kerry,與你(妳)她(他)一起到世界的盡頭。情侶們最喜歡對彼此說的話就是"我要和妳一起到世界的盡頭"。在愛爾蘭,並不是世界的盡頭,但你(妳)可以實現和她(他)到"歐洲"的盡頭。包含近海的島嶼在內,一個最西邊名為"Dunmore Head"的地方,面對大西洋,選個暴風雨的日子抵達,名符其實的像是活在世界上的最後一天。如果要再羅曼蒂克一點,配上著名的愛爾蘭咖啡倒也是不錯的選擇。
5)Go to the Ends of the World at Dunmore Head (Co. Kerry)
Lovers always like to talk to each other, "I'll go to the ends of the world for you!" In Ireland you can at least go to the end of the European world. Dunmore Head, Europe's western-most point (excluding off-shore islands). Face the Atlantic and pick on stormy days it might seem like "The End Is Nigh", though - better prepare for an Irish coffee.
(2012,06 photo in SandyMount)
6)飛越令人驚嘆的峭壁Cliffs of Moher通常我們都會從上方觀賞Cliffs of Moher的峭壁之美,或搭乘船欣賞。這次何不租架直升機,就像海鳥將Cliffs of Moher做為自己的家一樣,把Cliffs of Moher當成你家,或展翅飛到對岸的Aran Islands漫步,好好享受你們的假日。島上也有不乏提供你們風盛的海產大餐及舒適的B&B。
6)Fly Below the Towering Cliffs of Moher
The Cliffs of Moher are normally only seen from above, or maybe from a boat. Hiring a helicopter will bring you on par with the seabirds that make the cliffs their home. Why not take in the Aran Islands as well? Let the chopper drop you off there and spend the rest of Holiday walking, enjoying seafood and finally snuggling up in a cosy B&B.
(2013,01 photo in Gaint Causeway)
7)跟隨芬蘭人MacCool迷人腳步到Giant's Causeway(巨人堤道)據說芬蘭人MacCool是在愛爾蘭最壯碩的巨人,他建造了Giant's Causeway是為了到蘇格蘭見他的愛人--蘇格蘭女巨人。哪裡是為了你的愛人最好的地方,誓言將會跨越風暴大海為的是見她一面?就在這裡。火車、飛機、直升機、汽車、計畫、決心加上鈔票絕對會讓你創造一個令人驚豔的印象給她。
7)Follow in Finn's Infatuated Footsteps on the Giant's Causeway
The Giant's Causeway was built by Finn MacCool to head over to Scotland. He was the biggest and the strongest giant in all Ireland.To meet his great love, a Scottish giantess. What better place to swear that you would cross the stormiest seas for your true love? Here you are. Trains, planes, helicopters, automobiles, planning, determination and some cash will be necessary for such an extravaganza!
(2012,08 photo in Sligo)
8)在鬧鬼的Sheelin湖邊Ross城堡享受你的假期我不太清楚Sabrina Nugent的由來,也不太確定關於她愛的故事,縱使她的愛情故事擁有不太幸福的結局,但Sabrina從來沒有停止等待她的愛人,每天盼望著Sheelin湖邊,等著等著。請抱持著正面積極的態度來看待這個故事,也試著住進這個鬧鬼城堡,說不定正當Sabrina的鬼魂穿越你房間的時候,會保佑你的愛情一切順利。
8)Snuggle up in Haunted Ross Castle on the Banks of Lough Sheelin
Though the love story between Sabrina Nugent and her lover did not have a happy ending (he drowned when trying to pick her up to elope), it is a symbol of undying love and eternal hope. Sabrina never ceased waiting for her lover, never gave up hope and was even buried standing up, overlooking Lough Sheelin. Take the positive bits from the story and check into Ross Castle, one of Ireland's haunted hotels. Maybe the ghost of Sabrina will bless your relationship with better luck when she passes through your room at night ...
(2012,06 photo in St. Patrick's Cathedral)
9)參觀都柏林最具盛名的St. Patrick城堡都柏林並不是以遍佈的情侶羅曼史聞名。著名的Molly Malone於大病中身亡,Oscar Wilde為了他的摯愛選擇於牢獄中度過。記得Jonathan Swift的"Gulliver"他最棒的散文給他的摯愛Stella,他們的愛藉由Jonathan Swift的文字被永久保存在人們的心中,而他們則被埋葬在愛爾蘭的St. Patrick教堂,有尊嚴地被宣布永恆不朽的愛。
9)Visit Dublin's Most Famous Lovers in St. Patrick's Cathedral
Dublin is not generally known for its romantic couples throughout history - Molly Malone died of a fever and Oscar Wilde got jailed for his love. But remember that Dean Jonathan Swift of "Gulliver" fame composed some of his best prose for his beloved Stella. Both are long dead, but their love is kept alive in people's memories by Swift's writings. And their burial places next to each other in St. Patrick's, the National Cathedral of Ireland, is a dignified setting for any proclamation of undying love.
(2012,07 photo in Meath Newgrange)
10)Bare Your Innermost Feelings in the Inner Chamber of Newgrange
Just imagine proposing in one of the oldest buildings on earth. If you still remember what I introduced before, just imagine again the look on your beloved's face when her eyes adapt and she discovers you, kneeling and holding out a ring. Drop a hint to the guide beforehand regarding your intentions. And be aware that the darkness is utter and complete for a few seconds - make 100% sure you are kneeling in front of the right person!
By IreneNi @ Dublin
(2012-13 photo in Ireland, Iceland)