2012年8月18日 星期六


Revenge is an American television drama series.

As the title says is a story about revenge, and in this case it usually quite mystifying and horrific. But it attracts an audience to watch it. Basically, you can predict the end of the story is a tragedy that involves death, suffering or disaster, and no matter the avengers or the targets of the avengers are all guilty. Because all of them did something hurt people, including themselves.

As the leading actress says, " Two wrongs can never make a right, because two wrongs can never equal each other."

I watched the first season of Revenge. It talks about Emily Thorne ( the leading actress ) comes to the Hamptons for the summer, renting a home next to the Grayson family to enjoy a bright summer. However, it is revealed that Emily has been to the Hamptons before as a little girl.

In reality, Emily is Amanda Clarke, whose father was framed for a crime he didn't commit and sent to prison for life. She was separated from him and never saw him again.

Now, she's returned to the Hamptons, intent on getting revenge against those who wronged her and her father. But I found the further she goes, the more her emotions get involved and the more she questions her motives and the moves she make.

By IreneNi @ Dublin
PS' Thanks my teacher Danny correct it for me! :D





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